Saturday, August 18, 2007


Haven't posted in a while due to time constraints. I have been running horribly lately. Tonight I was sucked out on the river on three tables at the same time with either two pair or better. Two nights ago I lost a 400bb pot with in a 4bet pot with KK vs 24o on a 355 board when he rivered a six (got it all in on the flop) and also lost 200bb in another 4 bet pot with KK vs. 96s when he flopped the nuts on a T87 board. Keep in mind these were 4 bet pots. I heart donkeys. That is all I will complain about but I could go on about various bad beats. Quite frustrating. Its supposed to work itself out in the long run but more often than not it seems that it doesn't. This month has been not been good. I was up overall on the month going into tonight, but after -5 BI night tonight on tables that were donkey rich, Im getting very annoyed with the vicious swings. My BR experienced 1.2k fluctuation this week from its high point to its low . Way up, way down, back to even, and finished it off down. Excited to take a couple day break from poker as I am preparing to move back down to Duke next week and will be spending lots of time with friends and family. Hopefully the poker gods will be somewhat merciful upon my return to the tables in the near future. GL all- luck seems to be a very important factor to the cash game grinder.


robracing said...

Wow, tough week by the sounds of it!

We all know that these things even out in the long-run, but it sure is hard to take when you suffer a run of bad outcomes.

A short break amongst family and friends is exactly what you need, to collect your thoughts and come back refreshed next week.

Good luck.

DODGYKEN said...

Some of the hands you've been involved in are why people question if these sites are rigged or not Dice. Keep your head up and come back playing as well as you usually do.