Monday, November 5, 2007

Still Alive

Sorry for the lack of updates. Since last Sunday I have been quite busy. Last week I had my 21st birthday, Halloween, and it was parents' weekend at school. The birthday was fun. My buddies took good care of me. Halloween was an extension to the birthday. We went to Franklin St in Chapel Hill. It was nuts. We decided to go into any bar that didn't have a ridiculous line. The Library eventually fulfilled this requirement. We all had a great time. It was a 180 degree turn from the Duke social scene. An interesting thing occurred in the bar: I was called our for using a pick up line. It was quite hilarious because I did not use a "pick up" line. I told her that it was not a pickup line and that I thought she was the one trying to pick me up. A friend of mine told me that he had been called out for using pick up lines in the past, and I found it funny that I was called out. It kind of caught me off guard but I remained composed because I really wasn't using one. On to the weekend.. My parents, aunt, sister (19) and brother (16) visited for the weekend. A great time was had by all. Saturday night my parents allowed my brother to come out with my sister and I. This was pretty cool because it was the first time my brother and I have been out together. He is now a sophomore in high school and I am beginning to treat him more like a friend and less like the little brother who I used to just beat up all the time. Its a pretty cool transition. I'm proud of him bc he held his own quite well in social situations consisting of people alot older and more experienced than him. All in all, the past week has been a much needed breath of fresh air from my daily routine. All good times must come to an end, though. Back to business.

School work is going to pick up in the coming weeks. I have planned out the rest of the month of November. Its going to take alot of discipline on my part to successfully complete my academic and poker related goals.


DODGYKEN said...

Phew! I was starting to worry!

Good to hear you've been having fun Dice. Shame that you've resorted to using cheap and nasty pick-up lines to hit on women though. Just put a grapple hold on them and make them submit into going back with you!

Catch you on AIM soon.

Unknown said...

lol @ dodgy. Good to hear you enjoyed yourself Dice. You know though, the best "pickup line" in the world is just getting them a beer - works every time! :-)

Dice said...

Thanks Brian. Nothing like some good advice from a seasoned vet.