Saturday, September 15, 2007


Took a stab at 200 NL because I had 21 buy ins and games were soft. The following hands occured within 10 minutes of each other. I was only two tabling so I could get a feel of the game and also protect my roll. I figured I would play two tables of 200nl which is $400 in play, rather than 6 table 100ml with $600 in play. Villain is 26/17/4.6 over 117 hands. Villain is 27/19/1.4 over 91 hands. Villain is 29/23/5 over 62 hands. He was playing back at in me in literally every single pot I entered. This may have been a marginal spot, but when I called I truly felt ok. His large flop bet is indicative of a bet that doesn't want action. My perception of his range, based on my image and his own, was AK, 99+ .

My downswing from last week had subsided late Wednesday night. I ran ok from that point until last night but I played a ton of hands. Figured it couldn't last too long. I took a shot with 21 buy ins on 2 soft tables at 200nl and got burned. You must be lucky to win at this game.

1 comment:

papabigballer said...

Wow, I probably play all of those the exact same. Nothing you really do on any of thosse...keep getting it in way ahead and you will come out on top...