Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another Day, Another Dollar

Hands: 857
Amount Won: $285
BB/100: 18

Pretty standard session. Not too many interesting spots. Can thank the good night to a loose passive fish on my right with a deep stack. The session started off slow but once I began to loosen up the money started flowing in my direction.

I have really been trying to implement hand ranges into my play- assigning hand ranges whenever Im in or out of a hand. Against competant players, it is easier to assign ranges, but by all means, it is not easy. It sucks attempting to assign ranges to loose passive donks b/c their range could be literally any two most of the time. At the same time, I guess I can sacrifice accurately defining their hand range because they'll still pay off regardless. I love making money, but Im more satisfied with improving than I am with making money. Its a simple equation, improved play = improved win rate = more $$$. Assigning hand ranges is difficult, and it can be quite inconvenient when multi-tabling, but there isn't a true poker player out there that isn't doing it.

This is a hand which generated a multiway pot. I flop an OESFD as the preflop aggressor. I have found myself in situations like this quite frequently lately and feel that I am not taking an optimal line. http://www.pokerhand.org/?1319353

1 comment:

Noel said...

I agree with Steve as for you arent the only one drawing and with checking this turn. As for the rest I hope is just fucking with you. I enjoyed the sweat man and I look forward to August. Hit up Dwarrior when you get on aim and he can dial you in with the new group. Remember talking about ranges and that texture and betting narrows range? Apply that to the 99 spot. I posted the hand. We played that shit awful man!